What is RADON?
RADON is a Cancer-Causing, radioactive gas. It comes from the radioactive breakdown of uranium in the soil and it gets into the air you breath. Radon can be found all over the U.S., but is especially dense, here in the mid-west. According to the EPA, radon causes about 21,000 deaths from lung-cancer every year. Children and smokers are at a much higher risk!
How does RADON get into my home?
Is Any Radon Safe?
Since there is no known SAFE level of RADON, there can always be some risk. But the risk can be greatly reduced by having a licensed professional lower the RADON level in your home.
Lowering RADON levels requires extensive training and technical knowledge.There are several proven methods we use, depending on how your home was built and the extent of the RADON problem.
How We Lower Radon Levels In Your Home
The primary method Pratt Property Services uses is a vent pipe system and fan, which pulls RADON from beneath the house and vents it to the outside.This is called a Soil Suction Radon Reduction System. This does not require any major changes to your home.
Is Treating RADON Expensive?
Most homes in eastern Nebraska need a mechanically driven fan mitigation system, as described above, and can be fixed for about the same cost as other common home repairs. If a passive system was installed, when your home was built, the cost would be lower still. It mostly depends on how your home was built and the extent of the RADON problem. We would be happy to evaluate your home and provide you with a free estimate.
How We Lower Radon Levels In Your Home
The primary method Pratt Property Services uses is a vent pipe system and fan, which pulls RADON from beneath the house and vents it to the outside.This is called a Soil Suction Radon Reduction System. This does not require any major changes to your home.
Home Renovations
If you are planning any renovations, especially converting a basement into a living space, it is VERY important to have the area tested for RADON first. If the test results come back high, you will want to have the Radon Mitigation system designed and installed before construction to avoid interference with the overall design of your new living space.
Home Sales
Buyers will ask if a home has been tested for RADON. Buyers will want the tests to be made by someone who is NOT involved with the sale of the home. Then they want to know what actions will be taken taken to fix the RADON problem. If you fix any RADON problems in your home now, it won’t complicate the sale later.
Call Now For Your FREE Estimate
(402) 691-2920
Pratt Property Services
EPA Map of Radon Zones
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